Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ranting Some More

I'm gonna rant some more my fellow readers. Today is not as stressful as yesterday, so my ranting session will be swift.Enjoy.

WHY CAN I NOT GROW ANYTHING! Even Summer can grow grass faster then me! Mood Swings are ruining the thing I do best! I mean, look at this! *Points to a microscopic grass blade* That's the best i could do! Before the stupid mood swingy things happen I could make a apple tree sprout from the ground! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY LIFE!?

*Breathes nosily* Taryn yelling at me to chill. She claimes I'm typing way to loud for her to concentrate. SHUT UP TARYN!


Did i just tell someone to shut up? My life as i know it is OVER!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Are you ready for my daily ranting? I can't deal with my moody side much longer, so I shall type anything and whatever I feel. Be sure to watch out for mood swings. Yes, I shall be angsty and nonAnnika like. So what? Deal with it. Enjoy.

Argh! I feel terrible. My stomach is in knots and all the flowers I try to grow are wilting. This is most likely the most hazy day of my life. Half of the strawberry fields are strinking due to my efforts to help. Keeping a smile on my face is becoming a nag. Maybe I should start showing the world my true nature, moody.

On second thought, no. My life is built on cheerfulness. If I show my moodness, my world would crumble. I wish Demeter would visit. A vist with mom would be great. But, what if she dissaproves my moody nature? Will she be upset with me? She's my hero.. That would kill me!

I tried to let the stress off by painting something, but no, I got a smock full of paint splattered over me thanks to Miss Hothead (Saori) Hiakri tried to make amends, but it was too late. My mad side took over. Luckily, before I could throttle Saori for ruining my shirt, I managed a quick getaway.


Yes it can.... I bet any momment now, one of my freakish siblings (Conway or Summer) will run in here and ruin my day. Lovely.

I shall prevent that! I'm off to the Zeus cabin in hopes of saving myself from freakish siblings! Ta-Ta!


No wait... What if one of Taryn's freakish siblings are there? Usually, if I was my happy ol' self, I be there in a jiffy, ignoring all the freakish people in the camp. *Sigh*

See what mood swings do to your life? I'm off to ponder. Toodles.
Annika (Now depressed and lonely)
Ps. Sorry about all the ranting.